Reconfiguration 5

2019 FRANZ Rising Star Project



SooYeong KIM


Name & Concept of Artwork 作品名稱與設計理念

Category 作品屬性:


Concept of artwork 設計理念:

After the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the structures of the industrial complex increased noticeably. For the people at that time, factory was a symbol of new beginning and became their dreams . However, nowadays, the image of factory has degenerated as ruin and main cause of pollution. I, who grew up and lived in Ulsan city where specialised as an industrial complex has naturally faced the structures of the industrial complex. I started to feel there is a structural beauty on chimneys and pipelines, where normally people could not find any artistry and beautiful sense. Repetition of and accumulation pipelines which made of without certain rule creates huge building structures. As these structures form together and made a large industrial area, it has given me sublime and beauty. I desire to share my reinterpretation of structural beauty of industrial complex with audiences. With my share, I hope to re-define the industrial complex as a sculpture of artistic value, not as a result of the Industrial Revolution.

Artwork infomation





長度 (cm):




高度 (cm):


淨重 (g):



One of the mirrors in the semicircle was placed on the floor, the other was attached to the wall, and a ceramic work was installed on top of it to maximize the effect of the factory.


高鵬 Peng Gao

FDC Director, Secretary-general of the FDC Academic Committee

Very interesting work, which reconfigures the abandoned factory as a site of beauty through the use of porcelain.

Christopher McHugh

Course Director of Ulster University BA Hons Ceramics, Jewellery & Silversmithing
北愛爾蘭阿爾斯特大學陶瓷、珠寶與銀器學系系主任 〈譯〉

The theme is very actual, the way it was transferred into ceramics art, is convincing

Wilhelm Siemen

Former Director of Porzellanikon
Staatliches Museum für Porzellan
德國賽爾布陶瓷博物館前館長 〈譯〉

It is an interesting structure with excellent expression.

Kwanho Woo

Director of the Ceramic Research Center in Hongik University

Aesthetics: I find this work very intriguing in form and complexity with gilded components in gold and simple porcelain. I would enjoy experiencing this work in person. Innovation: I feel this work in unique in nature and does posses some innovative qualities. Concept: I appreciate the concept of this work, celebrating our industrious pasts through a complex sculptural work with many facets and stories to tell. Craftsmanship: this work requires a hight level of craftsmanship to create and has been executed well.

Rhiannon Ewing-James

Creative Producer of British Ceramics Biennial

this is a powerful instalation in the image of industrialisation pian stakingly hand crafted.

Anthony Quinn

Subject Leader Ceramics, Course Leader BA Ceramic Design,
Central Saint Martins
倫敦藝術大學 中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院 陶瓷系主任〈譯〉