Name & Concept of Artwork 作品名稱與設計理念
Category 作品屬性:
Concept of artwork 設計理念:
When drinking tea in a restaurant or tea house you always get confronted with numerous problems: What was the temperature that brewed the tea (when the tea comes ready to you)? Where to put the tea bag/ the strainer? To really enjoy the tea you want to see and smell the leaves! Jade gives back the total control to the customer without the ugly tea bag problems. It is a set, containing a pot, a strainer, a drinking bowl, two little bowls for loose tea and sugar, a little jug for milk and a tray.
Artwork infomation
bent wood for handle, wood for tray
長度 (cm):
pot: 16
pot: 14
高度 (cm):
pot: 16
淨重 (g):
There is hot water for 2¼ cups in the teapot when served. The customer can decide himself when to put the tealeaves in the strainer. By pouring his first cup, he separates the tea leaves from the water.
高鵬 Peng Gao
FDC Director, Secretary-general of the FDC Academic Committee
a very well designed contemporary concept for teaware. great attention to detail, development into production very strong.
Anthony Quinn
Subject Leader Ceramics, Course Leader BA Ceramic Design,
Central Saint Martins
倫敦藝術大學 中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院 陶瓷系主任〈譯〉
It's a simple and clear design
Kwanho Woo
Director of the Ceramic Research Center in Hongik University